Kanguq - Hiver / Winter 2014 | Page 14
Nouvelles de la FCNQ / wMŒns2 gnC5nq5 / FCNQ News
Services pétroliers et Nunavik Pétro
wMŒns2 s3hxl8ixiz x7ml kN[7us5 s3hxl8ixiz
FCNQ Petro Division and Nunavik Petro
!(&) x3ÇAq5 whoo3tlQ5, wMŒns2
vtmpq5 sN7uho3XoxoMs3ymK5
wk=At5noEi3u W7mEx¬2 wq3Ctbsiz N7uiE/sQxco3izi4 Ì4fkz
k5 Ì5huz xbs3Öµ3[c3Xgk5.
wMŒns2 s3hxl8ixiz WQx9MEMs3ymK6 kN[7u !(&(-at9lA xqctŒ8icChx3çg[is5ht4
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WdtÌEAµ3ixbuk5: !(*!-u, vmpc3hi f¬5 n¿+u4, yK9oÙ5yx5 s3hxlcstxl5ÌE/soMs3ymK5 MTPA
-fi5 is[xE5hQ5 ƒ5JxÇW7üg5,
xfo[7üg5, xsXl7üg5, bys/3üg9
wMŒns2 s3hxl8ixiz xhw˜4
X3NX9oxyMs3ymK6 ÖƒN s3hxlc3tyi3u4 wkw5 kNoq8i4.
wMŒns2 s3hxl8ixiz nNoMs3ymJ6 s3hxlcstxl8i4 kNo5Ìc7uso3gu sus/u !(*$-at9lA.
c7usq8ˆt9lAl, xqctŒ8icChxoMs3ym7uÔ4 yx9f5 wMŒn3l
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bm8N r=Z©t4 xsMbs?9oxy7m5
wk8k5 N7uiE/s5ht4 fxX5gk5,
s3hxlc3tyi6 wk=At5nos3iu
WD3XoxDbsyMs3ymQK6 kNo8i.
cspmJw8NsZ5bl, w9
lc3tyi6 b3Cu
s3Úynstc3ty§A7m5 s3hxl5ggi4
ryxi. Ïnø6 xg3bsJ7mE3Jxa7um5
wk8k5 mò5tsmb y®gq8k5 c/
Exq8kl wcl8ixDt8kl suxk5.
t7uÔ2 s3hz xgw8Nstbs§Ao3uJ6
xuhwi kNø5 u{[q8i, wvJ3ymAbs5hi is[x5nc3tyi3u4 xsMbsJil
x3ÇAoµ6 ˆ5hA, x7ml Wg5ymt5yAbs7uhi kNo7mEoxExc§k5 swmN3yJu4
€8ix[7mEoxExc3gcogx3m5. Öà7m5,
yMt5ti5 WymJj5 r=Zg3bsq¯o3hb
bm4fiz x©to7mE8i4 çq3ifosDbs5yxD8Nhtl WNhxD8NbK8i4,
wMŒns2 bm4fiz xsM5yiz gê8Nhi h3êym5yxt5yAtQA8NXo3cs4
wk=At5nos3iu b3Cus5 kNoq8i, W[c3tyAtQ?o3ms4 ®Ns/
os D 5 pA t Q 5 h A
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kl fxXi4 wMsJdtui4 x3dtc3hi.
Öml @))(-ao3ut9lA, Wzhwk5
x s M b sAµ3 i x h i
xqctŒ8i6 wi9MbsoMsJQK6 yx9f5
WsoixZq5 ƒ5Jxü5g5, dx3bu,
vq3hxl4Jxu9l k5tbsMzyt9lQ5
k N o 8i k N u4 t Aux 3 tfq 8k 5
x7ml wMŒn6 xsM5ypsAµ3ixyt9
Ì4fiz WzhwQx9Mi4 s3hxlcstxl8i4. x3ÇÅ?5gi ra9oÙi
dosˆ3tgi wMŒns2 s3hxl8ixiz
vJysZ3gi4 kbs9otE§aK6 s3hxlcstxl8i4 b3Cus5 kNoq8i.
Ì4fxl kbs9og3bs?8iq5 Öà9lt4
ryxis§A7mb x5bˆeN3gË3tydNQ5
kNu4 x?lxi4 sW8NCi, ryxil WsysuQxv5bq8NtZhx3uhQ5
Í5n/q5b sk3iq5 xuh[5ht5.
®Nsè/3[c3iE§z Ì4fkz WsysuQx3tyi3k5 wkw5 kNoq5b r1åmQ/
q8i4 xam5yAbs§A7m5 x5bâ5gyxaQxc3mb vmQ/s5yxmEq8Nltl.
xyc3uJ6 W?9odt7mEQA8Nu/
ui4 wMŒns2 xsM5yiz s3hxlc3tyi3u4 w2WAh5yxmExlAm§aZ5b
kNs2 hJ5bsÖoQxc3izi4 s3hxl5n/i4 xsM5yZ5b hJ5tyA8Ngi4
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[is2X5 Wsy[i9
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„/c5bhA s3hxl8ixtsMs3g[i3k5
Wsy[i3uª3tZhx3hA WNhx§aJA5.
vmQ/c§A7uhbl hJ5ymJi4 c5bs/
Ë3òhb wQb5nso3gi4 bm4fiz vm§k5
xs9Mtc5bhQ5 x?toEpk5.
WsyE7ms4 wMŒns2 x9M[oµq8i,
kNo7us5 ryxi wkw5 WNh5tÌE/
s§5 s3hxl8ixi3u x7ml s3hxlcstxlw5
wvJ3ymZhx3hQ9l kNo8i WNh5†5,
do9l xbsy3¬g5 c9lˆ5 m8gpx9ü5g5 x9M[7mEzi wvJ3ymps§5
h N oµ 5 y x t A 5
s 3 h x l 8 i x i oµ2
xsMbsAyoµzi, wi9äctcChxc5bht4 h4fxeJi4 whµ¬bso3gi4,
x9M[tA9l WN§t5ni4, xroC5nosEi3u x7ml x3ÇAbµ3ysti4 xam5yZhx3iu. sX¬mÎbE§5 xs/4f5,
x3ÇÅix3gj5 s3hxlcstxlw5 bb3nhQ5, yduymJ3ixi3i x7ml cspn3ii,
l WN§tlÏq5.
fxX8i6 W[5nÌ3[Q/si3ns§AK6
WD3Xoxt5yi3jl ÖàozJ3l Wsyz x5pQ/
s1ax§A5/q7uJ6 hv5©lx3gxl7u4
WD3Xoxbv9MChx3gk5, crAt5no-
sAlgw8Nht4 WNhx3gi yM3Jxusi.
lE5©KA5 WNhctcD8NX4vb wMsJdtK8i4 vJy4Üp9ME5til vtmpi4; gÇZhx?9lv5b r9oc5yxgu4
®Ns/3tA5 x8Nsmdpi3u4 wMŒnu4,
ryxi x5psq5©AtQ?2XK5 w2WQ/
c5yxi3XsZhx§AiK5 ho5yxg4f5
wq3Ct5yAmiK5. W/cc5blb wª2
tuzk5 x5gbsymJi4. vg5phb
W7mEstxl8i4 WNhxctŒ2Xv5b.
The supply of petroleum to the Inuit
communities is a crucially important
activity in Nunavik as none of our villages
are connected to the Hydro Quebec grid.
Originally, some of the fuel depots were
managed by the Ministère des Travaux
Publics et Approvisionnement (MTPA),
and some others by Shell Canada. Towards
the end of the 1970’s, FCNQ board
members started thinking that such an
important economic activity should be
owned and operated by the very people
who depend on it. The Fédération’s
petroleum activity really began in Nunavik
in 1979 with the negotiation process that
comes with all major acquisitions: In 1981,
under the direction of Claude Sauvage,
the first acquisition of petroleum storage
facilities from the MTPA were done in
Kuujjuaraapik, Akulivik, Aupaluk and
Thus began the FCNQ Petro planning
for, and supplying of petroleum, to Inuit
FCNQ Petro division then constructed a
tank farm for the newly created community
of Umiujaq in 1984. Soon afterwards,
negotiations between Shell and FCNQ lead
to the acquisition of 6 more petroleum
tank farms in 1987 in the communities
of Inukjuak, Puvirnituq, Salluit, Ivujivik,
Kangiqsujuaq and Kangirsuk. As a service
being undertaken by an Inuit owned coop
movement, the provision of petroleum
provided the opportunity for economic
growth in the communities. As we all
know, housing in the north is strictly
heated using furnace oil. Gasoline is a
valuable commodity used by Inuit in their
harvesting activities for their snowmobiles
and freighter canoes and fishing boats.