Kanguq - Hiver / Winter 2014 | Page 15
Nouvelles de la FCNQ / wMŒns2 gnC5nq5 / FCNQ News
Services pétroliers et Nunavik Pétro
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FCNQ Petro Division and Nunavik Petro
Airplane fuel is made available at many
of the local airports, contributing to
commerce and transportation year round,
but also providing a lifeline to major city
centers in case of medical emergencies.
Therefore, instead of an outside company
supplying us with these essential products
and profiting from this activity, FCNQ’s
involvement has a direct positive impact
on the economy of Northern communities,
providing the opportunity to invest in local
improvements and development through
its co-op members.
Then it is in 2009, that a tripartite
agreement was finalized in which
Shell’s assets in Kuujjuaq, Quaqtaq and
Kangiqsuallujjuaq were transferred to the
respective local Land Holding Association
and FCNQ was named as the operator of
these three additional installations. In the
last decades FCNQ Petro has continually
renovated the installations in the northern
villages. These improvements are necessary
in order to safeguard the environment
of course, but also to upgrade the storage
capacity in many instances. Investing
in these improvements provides Inuit
communities with the essential services in
a durable and responsible way.
Another key benefit to FCNQ’s
management of the fuel supply is that
we truly care to address any and all
environmental issues that come with the
use of petroleum products in a way that
will protect the precious environment or
rehabilitate it in the case of an incident. We
do this by collecting residue left behind by
previous operations and implementing soil
rehabilitation projects. We also coordinate
the return of waste oil drums for proper
treatment by environmental firms.
As with all FCNQ departments, only
local people are hired for the petroleum
distribution and tank farm operations.
A team of eleven people from the FCNQ
head office support the local staff; assisting
in all aspects of petro operations from
troubleshooting in case of issues, to
providing office supplies, invoicing and
yearly maintenance. A peak of activities
occurs in the summer months, from
sealift to restock fuel tanks for the year
ahead, maintenance and inspections and
improvement projects.
The cooperative movement creates an
opportunity for collaboration and evolution
which is unique in this fast paced, profit
driven world. It is a privilege to work with
our members and our executive committee;
our focus is clearly on the financial success
of the FCNQ, but what makes us unique is
our focus on doing what is right. Success
with a human touch. Together we do great
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