Kaleidoscope Magazine Egypt Issue 6 | Page 22


Previously on Earth Ancient Civilizations

By : Aya Dorgham
Let ’ s all take our kaleidoscopes and time-travel back thousands of years ago . Voila ! We ’ re now in Egypt 2554 BC , but it doesn ’ t look like our Egypt at all . People are dressed differently . The daily traffic that we always get stuck in is not there . Wait a minute ; there are no cars to begin with . The pyramids aren ’ t actually built yet . In fact thousands of ancient Egyptians are working on building the first pyramid . The world is really completely different than the one we ’ re living in today . However , if it wasn ’ t for those ancient civilizations that survived the outrageous conditions of the old ages , we wouldn ’ t have become how we are today . Ancient civilizations from the different continents take credit for many of our successes today . After taking a glance at how life was at an African civilization like Ancient Egypt , we ’ ll travel together to Europe and Asia to know more about how people lived back then .

The Greeks :

Ancient Greece is the most significant spark that caused the rest of the Western world ’ s development . The very first Greek civilization advanced approximately 4000 years ago , between 750 BC and 146 BC . If you are wondering where the alphabets you learned at school came from , the Greeks were the ones who developed them . The Greeks were , also , the first to arrange the Olympic Games festivities in 776 BC , in the Greek city of Olympia . Ancient Greece is also widely known for their various gods and goddesses . They almost worshipped a distinct God for every occasion , based on their Ancient Greek religion and myths . These Gods have inspired many stories and even movies nowadays . mojotravel . wordpress . com