Kaleidoscope Magazine Egypt Issue 6 | Page 21

“ How could you take these jet ski ’ s !” Baba shouted .
“ Do you know what could have happened to you !? Must you always be troublemakers ?” Mama cried .
“ No .” The maid spoke up , “ They are heroes . It is my fault the boys ran off . They saved Omar and Mohamed when I could not help .”
Everyone quieted . Mama looked shocked , and
Baba looked proud . Finally , the father of the two boys spoke .
“ My sons are the troublemakers . Nonetheless , they are the light of my eyes . And , I suppose if you two hadn ’ t been troublemakers as well , you wouldn ’ t have been able to save my sons . So , I would like to invite you all to lunch as a way to thank you .”
Smiling , he took both Farah and Fares ’ hands and led them off to a lovely lunch .