Kaleidoscope Magazine Egypt Issue 6 | Page 20

her up , but she kept slipping . The jet ski began to tip . The shadowy figures were coming closer . Farah could see their gray skin . They were going to eat her !
Just then , the head of a dolphin surfaced on the water . Blinking , Farah stared as many more heads popped up . She let go of Fares ’ hand and swam back to the over turned jet ski . She pushed at it again , except this time , the dolphins helped her . With a mighty push , they turned the jet ski back on its front again .
Climbing on , Farah finally sat down before looking to Fares . He laughed at the dolphins popping their heads up to look at them , then showed Farah how to start the engine .
“ How do you know these things ?” Farah asked .
“ It ’ s easier than driving a motor cycle ,” he said , and together they shot back to the shore . Water flew in the air as the dolphins swam all around them . The two little boys laughed , pointing to the dolphins as they leapt out of the water like acrobats of the sea .
Yet , as they reached the dock , the happy mood ended . The maid was still standing there , yet not alone . Mama and Baba were standing on the deck , along with another couple who looked very worried . Farah and Fares slowed the jet ski ’ s and helped the little boys off before stepping onto the deck themselves .