Kaleidoscope Magazine Egypt Issue 6 | Page 19

One by one , she moved the boys from their jet ski to Fares ’. Together , Fares pulled them up onto the seat next to him , while Farah pushed them out of the water . Finally , she turned back to the upside down jet ski . She had to turn it over , so they could finally return to shore . The four of them couldn ’ t fit on one jet ski .
Farah tried lifting it , but the weight only pushed her beneath the water . She struggled , her feet kicking beneath the water , when suddenly , something touched her foot .
Screaming , Farah tried to move away . Fares shouted and pointed to the shadowy figure below the water . Yet , now , there wasn ’ t just one , but many circling beneath them .
“ Sharks !” Fares shouted . “ Farah , get out of the water !”
Farah reached for Fares ’ hand . He tried pulling