Kaleidoscope Magazine Egypt Issue 6 | Page 18

second taking them farther away from the docks and the safety of the shore . Looking down , Farah could see the white splashes of the waves below them .
Suddenly , an enormous shadowy shape appeared . It was larger than the jet ski . What a monster , Farah thought . It must be a shark !
Yet , Fares hadn ’ t noticed , he kept his gaze ahead until they quickly reached the boys . He stopped the jet ski and was about to jump into the water when Farah grabbed his arm .
“ Wait !” she cried . “ Don ’ t go in !”
“ What ? Why !?”
Farah paused . The two little boys were struggling in the water , trying to hold onto their over turned jet ski . They didn ’ t have much time .
“ Because … because you ’ re driving the jet ski . If you get off , it might tip over . I ’ ll go !”
Then with one last look to the shady figures below the water , Farah jumped in .
As she surfaced , Farah opened her eyes and looked for the boys . She hadn ’ t realized that she had jumped in with her hat , and now it was dripping sea water into her eyes . Shaking her head , she reached for one of the boys .
“ Hold onto me ,” she said . “ We ’ re going to save you .”