20 October 9-10 , 1940 , was in Hutchinson at the Hotel Bisonte . We extended an invitation to Oklahoma and Nebraska agents .
21 September 24-26 , 1941 , was in Salina at the Lamar Hotel . A memorial service was held for Rosse Case , who died on May 13 , 1941 . He was considered the “ Grand Old Man ” of the association .
22 October 7-9 , 1942 , was in Wichita at the Hotel Broadview . War Damage Insurance was the main topic at the convention .
23 October 27-28 , 1943 , was in Topeka at the Hotel Jayhawk . It was called the “ War Conference .” A wellrounded program geared to the problems of the war was the main focus .
24 October 18-19 , 1944 , was in Wichita at the Broadview Hotel . Attendance was down to only 250 due to the continuing war .
25 November 7-8 , 1945 , was in Topeka at the Hotel Jayhawk . It was the Silver Anniversary of the KAIA . The conference was called the “ Post War Conference .” There had been a ban on conferences due to the war , but it was held with the V-J Day ( Victory over Japan ). Over 400 attended .
26 October 2-4 , 1946 , was in Wichita at the Lassen Hotel . It was the first three-day conference since the war ended .
27 October 22-24 , 1947 , was in Topeka at the Hotel Jayhawk . President Webb Woodward stated , “ Too much work of the association has fallen on the shoulders of too few of its members , and if the problems are to be solved , all must contribute .”
28 October 20-22 , 1948 , was in Wichita at the Hotel Lassen . Registration was $ 8.00 . More than 600 attended the banquet .
29 October 19-21 , 1949 , was in Topeka at the Hotel Jayhawk . A golf tournament was held at the White Lakes Course .
30 October 25-27 , 1950 , was in Wichita at the Broadview Hotel . Registration exceeded 630 . It was the largest convention in the history of the association at that time .
31 October 24-25 , 1951 , was held in Kansas City at the newly completed Town House Hotel .
32 October 15-16 , 1952 , was in Topeka at the Hotel Jayhawk . Registration was 575 , with more than 600 at the banquet — hotel rooms in Topeka range from $ 1.50 to $ 15.00 .
33 October 18-20 , 1953 , was in Wichita at the Broadview Hotel with 504 in attendance ; 615 were at the banquet .
34 October 24-26 , 1954 was in Hutchinson at the Baker Hotel .
35 October 23-25 , 1955 , was in Kansas City at the Town House Hotel . A resolution passed at the convention honoring Kenneth Ross as the National Association president , the first Kansan to receive the honor .
90 Kansas Association of Insurance Agents