6 October 21-23 , 1926 , was in Lawrence at the Chamber of Commerce Gymnasium . Guest registered at the Eldridge Hotel . The Haskell Indian Institute provided entertainment and presented several Indian dances in primitive wardress . The grandson of Chief Sitting Bull was one of the dancers .
7 October 27-29 , 1927 , was in Wichita at the Bisonte Hotel . It was decided that the association would look into creating a Kansas Insurance Day .
8 October 18-20 , 1928 was in Pittsburg at the Besse Hotel . Charles L Gandy , of the National Executive Committee , flew in by an airplane owned by national known insurance man T . E . Braniff .
9 October 17-18 , 1929 , was in Dodge City at the Hotel Lora-Locke . The old-fashioned greeting of “ Soddie welcomed attendees .” It was the welcome travelers were given in the olden days to the Western Plains .
10 October 13-15 , 1930 , was in Wichita at the Hotel Lassen . Airplane rides from Swallow Field were given for anyone attending the convention , courtesy of the Wichita Insurors .
11 October 15-16 , 1931 , was in Topeka at the Hotel Jayhawk . Saturday afternoon , all attendees were invited to Lawrence for lunch and a football game at KU between KU Jayhawks and the K-State Aggies .
12 October 13-14 , 1932 , was in Salina at the Masonic Temple . President Rosse Case was ill and could not attend . He sent a telegram expressing his regret and proposed a toast that at 6:00 p . m ., he would drink ginger ale to the health of the bunch .
13 October 19-20 , 1933 , was in Hutchinson at the Chamber of Commerce Convention Center . The banquet was held at the Bisonte Hotel . All past presidents attended , except for J . Elmer Reese , who was deceased .
14 October 11-12 , 1934 , was in Wichita at the Hotel Lassen . There were 266 registered for the convention , and 355 attended the banquet . A directory of attendees was donated by KC Fire & Marine .
15 October 17-18 , 1935 , was in Topeka at the Hotel Jayhawk . There were 269 registered for the convention , of which 119 were agents . Over 400 attended the banquet .
16 October 8-9 , 1936 , was in Wichita at the Hotel Lassen . Registration totaled 344 , breaking all previous records . Attendance was 164 agents and 180 company men . There were 476 at the banquet .
17 October 27-29 , 1937 , was in Topeka at the Hotel Jayhawk . Speech by past president Bert Mitchner , also given at the National convention , titled “ What About Consumer Cooperatives .”
18 October 5-7 , 1938 , was in Wichita at the Hotel Lassen . There were 360 registered ; 188 of these were agents . The banquet attendance was 540 .
19 October 18-20 , 1939 , was in Topeka at the Hotel Jayhawk . A golf tournament was held at Topeka Country Club , and the fee was $ 1.00 . The banquet was on the roof garden of the Hotel Jayhawk and was an evening of dancing and entertainment .
100 Years of Service , 1921-2021 89