Conventions of the Kansas Association of Insurance Agents
1 December 15-17 , 1921 , was in Wichita at the Hotel Lassen . A constitution and bylaws were adopted . Officers were elected , and committees were formed .
2 September 29-30 , 1922 , was in Hutchinson at the Chamber of Commerce . Registration was $ 2.00 , and 141 attended
3 October 4-6 , 1923 , was in Wichita at the Hotel Lassen . The famous “ Wichita Wheat Show ” was at the same time .
4 October 4 , 1925 , was in Topeka at the new Hotel Kansas .
5 October 5 , 1926 , was in Kansas City at the Hotel Muchlebach . During this same week , the National association held its convention in Kansas City , giving the Kansas agents an excellent opportunity to attend both events .
88 Kansas Association of Insurance Agents