36 October 28-30 , 1956 , was in Wichita at the Broadview Hotel . The theme was “ Sales is Our Business .”
37 October 20-22 , 1957 was in Hutchinson at the Baker Hotel . Attendance was around 700 .
38 October 22-24 , 1958 was in Wichita at the Broadview Hotel .
39 October 4-6 , 1959 was in Kansas City at the Town House Hotel .
40 October 9-11 , 1960 , was in Wichita at the Broadview Hotel . The sales-oriented convention was a huge success .
41 October 15-17 , 1961 , was in Wichita at the Broadview Hotel . Long-time member and one of the Four Horsemen , Frank Priest , installed the officers at the banquet .
42 October 21-23 , 1962 , was at the Baker Hotel in Hutchinson . The registration fee was $ 17.00 , and there were 450 attendees .
43 October 20-22 , 1963 , was in Topeka at the Hotel Jayhawk . Over 450 attended .
44 October 24-25 , 1964 , was in Wichita at the Hotel Broadview . It was the first time that “ Eggs & Issues ” was a part of the program .
45 October 24-26 , 1965 , was in Kansas City at the Town House Hotel . Over 450 attended .
46 October 16-18 , 1966 , was in Wichita at the Broadview Hotel . Golf was offered in two locations : Spring Lake Golf Course in Wichita and Prairie Dunes Golf Course in Hutchinson .
47 October 20-22 was in Wichita at the Broadview Hotel . Registration shows 520 attendees .
48 October 20-22 , 1968 , was in Topeka at the Ramada Inn .
49 October 26-28 , 1969 , was in Overland Park at the Glenwood Manor . Four hundred seventy attended the convention . Tickets were available for the Kansas City Chiefs football game for $ 4.00 . They played the Cincinnati Bengals .
50 October 18-19 , 1970 was in Wichita at the Broadview Hotel . It was the Golden Anniversary .
51 October 10-12 , 1971 , was in Topeka at the Ramada Inn .
52 October 15-17 , 1972 , was held in Wichita at the Broadview Hotel . The theme was “ The Critical Path .” It emphasized that each person ’ s road to accomplishment is unique , yet all paths cross , and by helping each other , we will all be guided .
53 October 17-19 , 1973 , was in Topeka at the Ramada Inn . The theme was “ I ’ m Ok – You ’ re Ok .” The golf tournament was at Lake Shawnee Golf Course . It has been called “ The new Pebble Beach of Kansas .” Green fees were $ 2.33 .
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