EUROPE / EUROPA JT: What are the main and most difficult challenges and constraints of the Turkish prison and probation system? EY: Probation is difficult and risky in terms of implementation. Individuals who commit a crime serve their sentences without breaking from their family and social environment. This means it is necessary that the controlling and following up of the people who are under probation system should be meticulously carried out within the framework of a certain plan and program; at the same time, it emphasizes the necessity of carrying out the execution and rehabilitation process on the basis of strong legislation, with sufficient physical and technical possibilities, with qualified, specially trained, motivated staff with the knowledge and skill to work with offenders. Those in the prison system in our country are aware of all these requirements and are striving to proceed on their way. It must also be noted that, as in all the world, also in our country there is an increase in crime rates due to both social reasons and other factors. We have to struggle with the effects and results constituted by crime and some accompanying problems under worse conditions than many countries in terms of the population density in our country, geographical features, increased terror events, excess number of refugees admitted into our country. However, General Directorate of Prisons and Detention Houses attaches special importance to the execution of criminal and justice system in a relevant and qualified manner irrespective of the circumstances and aims at executing sentences, ensuring the probationers to com- plete their sentences in conformity with human right and dignity, their rehabilitation, training and adaptation to the society after their release, prevention of recidivism and protection of society, and continues to conduct its relevant studies with its all units by showing the necessary attention and devotion. JT: Which accomplishments would you like to underscore regarding the penitentiary reform that is underway in Turkey? EY: After 2003–2004, the state channeled the highly important resources to an infrastructure where human rights and dignity will be protected in a moderate manner. While the physical structure is changing, adequate practices for modern execution have started to pasado, de los que han sido expulsados del cargo y exportados. Sin embargo, debido a las medidas adoptadas, la contratación de personal y la dedicación del personal existente, se ha impedido que esta situación se convierta en una crisis grave. Nuestro sistema de ejecución ha sobrevivido con éxito a este trauma numérico. JT: ¿Cuáles son los principales y más difíciles retos y limitaciones del sistema carcelario y de libertad condicional turcos? .................................................................... EY: La libertad condicional es difícil y arriesgada en términos de implementación. Las personas que cometen un delito cumplen sus penas sin romper con su entorno familiar y social. Esto significa que es necesario que el control y el seguimiento de las personas bajo régimen de libertad vigilada se lleven a cabo meticulosamente en el marco de un determinado plan y programa; que al mismo tiempo, hace énfasis en la nece