EUROPE / EUROPA be developed over this physical structure . Thus , it paved the way for the workshops institution to become the best work , training and production system in the world within the penal execution system . Training and psycho – social service activities in penal institutions have been strengthened and transition to individual rehabilitation process has been initiated . New training centers have been opened to speed up the adaptation of the personnel in the transition process from security to rehabilitation and they have been strengthened in terms of engaging in activities for scientific and practical – oriented activities . Probation institutions were established from scratch and shaped in this direction . As of today ’ s present situation , it strives to keep up with the Western probation systems which have a history of over 100 years . Undoubtedly , this process is a crucial process in the Turkish penal execution history . Even the 15 July 2016 events could not stop our works related to reforms .

EUROPE / EUROPA be developed over this physical structure . Thus , it paved the way for the workshops institution to become the best work , training and production system in the world within the penal execution system . Training and psycho – social service activities in penal institutions have been strengthened and transition to individual rehabilitation process has been initiated . New training centers have been opened to speed up the adaptation of the personnel in the transition process from security to rehabilitation and they have been strengthened in terms of engaging in activities for scientific and practical – oriented activities . Probation institutions were established from scratch and shaped in this direction . As of today ’ s present situation , it strives to keep up with the Western probation systems which have a history of over 100 years . Undoubtedly , this process is a crucial process in the Turkish penal execution history . Even the 15 July 2016 events could not stop our works related to reforms .

Our system has successfully survived the impact of the numerical trauma after the coup attempt of 15th July 2016 .” al proceso de rehabilitación individual . Se han abierto nuevos centros de capacitación para acelerar la adaptación del personal en el proceso de transición , desde la seguridad a la rehabilitación , y se han fortalecido en cuanto a la participación en actividades científicas y prácticas . Las instituciones de libertad condicional fueron establecidas desde cero y formadas en esta dirección .
En la situación actual , el esfuerzo es mantenerse al día con los sistemas occidentales de libertad condicional que tienen una historia de más de 100 años . Indudablemente , este proceso es un proceso crucial en la historia de la ejecución penal turca . Incluso los acontecimientos del 15 de julio de 2016 no pudieron detener nuestras obras relacionadas con las reformas .

Nuestro sistema ha sobrevivido con éxito al impacto del trauma numérico tras el intento de golpe de Estado del 15 de julio de 2016 .”
JT : The Turkish probation system has been maturing and is now over one decade old . How do you see the role of probation in the framework the current reform ? ..........................................
EY : In this process , execution of various sanctions / measures / liabilities is carried out under thirteen different decision types such as judicial control measures alternative to detention , sanctions alternative to short – period imprisonment ( participating in a training institution , prohibition from going to specific places or conducting specific activities , employment in publicly beneficial work etc .), fulfillment of some obligations as part of the suspension of imprisonment sentence , treatment and probation , effective remorse , conditional early release , employment in a publicly beneficial work as an alternative to judicial fine .......................................... As well as the execution practices in the probation system , rehabilitation studies including individual interview , group studies , intervention programmes , training and information seminars , structuring of free time etc . are also conducted in line with the identification of the risks and needs of probationers by means of using scientific methods . Necessary studies to develop and strengthen the probation system and to achieve more successful studies will continue non – stop . The future of execution is shaped by probation services .
JT : El sistema turco de libertad condicional ha madurado y ahora tiene más de una década de antiguedad . ¿ Cómo ve usted el papel de las medidas penales alternativas en el marco de la reforma actual ? ..................................................
EY : En este proceso , la ejecución de diversas sanciones / medidas / responsabilidades se lleva a cabo bajo trece tipos de decisión diferentes como medidas de control judicial alternativas a la detención , por ejemplo , sanciones alternativas a la prisión de corta duración ( participación en una institución de formación , prohibición de ir a lugares específicos o cumplimiento de algunas obligaciones ) como parte de la suspensión de la pena de prisión , el trato y la libertad condicional , el remordimiento efectivo , la liberación condicional temprana , el empleo en una obra de utilidad pública como alternativa a la multa judicial .
Además de las prácticas de ejecución del sistema de libertad condicional , también se realizan estudios de rehabilitación que incluyen entrevistas individuales , estudios grupales , programas de intervención , seminarios de capacitación e información , estructuración del tiempo libre , etc ., de acuerdo con la identificación de los riesgos y necesidades de los prisioneros y mediante el uso de métodos científicos . Los estudios necesarios para desarrollar y fortalecer el sistema de libertad condicional y para lograr estudios más exitosos continuarán sin parar . El futuro de la gestión está determinado por los servicios de libertad condicional .
J U N E / J U N I O 2017 JUSTICE TRENDS // 65