WSCA Digital Spotlight www . wsca . org 2023 - June - 7
Meeting Minutes
Judges : Kim Ziegler Absent . The combined seminar was a huge success . We had 30 WSCA Judges attend , and the feedback was excellent . Plans are in the works for a repeat combined seminar in 2024 .
Had 4 Judge applicants who tested and interviewed at the seminar . The committee would recommend moving forward to the guest judging phase for 3 of the applicants ; Jennifer Andrist , Lori Ricigliano , and Ashley Zutz . It was recommended that the 4 th applicant participate in the WSCA ’ s Apprentice Program and possibly apply for a 4H card , and then come back to WSCA after they have gained some judging experience . Rebecca Solberg was unable to attend due to personal reasons and asked that we hold her application for 2024 . Motion made by Kevin Berger , seconded by Julie Gintner , to move the 3 applicants forward to guest judging . Motion carried unanimously .
Service awards were presented and were well received . Pictures were put on the Facebook page .
A suggestion was made to publicize on the website with photos and perhaps small bios of the Judges . Would like to move forward with that if approved .
Marketing & Promotions : Rachel Duenow Rachel presented the Marketing & Promotions budget . Motion made by Steve Bobzin , seconded by Paul Hansen , to approve the Marketing & Promotions Budget . Motion carried unanimously .
The raffle is going well . If you haven ’ t sold all your tickets , turn them into Rachel prior to the drawing . Anthony at Herald Journal is on leave and Dan is working with WSCA in the meantime . Just a reminder to turn in Spotlight information by the 10 th of each month .
Nominating : Kevin Berger Nothing to report .
Procedures : Sandy Strube The updated Royalty Committee Procedure was presented with changes . Motion made by Julia Northwick , seconded by Ann Goebel , to approve the updated Royalty Committee Procedure . Motion carried unanimously .
Publicity : Lori Taylor : The Royalty Clinic went well and there was a great group of ladies . Getting ready for the MN Horse Expo the last weekend of April . On Saturday of Expo , they will be walking around in shifts with Miss MN Rodeo . Also , working on finalizing the details for the Royalty Show .
Royalty : Bridget Behrns The Royalty Clinic was held on the 26 th of March and there were 9 Saddle Club Queens in attendance . Received positive feedback about the clinic and the material that was provided . Forms for the Royalty Contest will be on the website and in the April Spotlight . The Royalty Banquet will be held Friday , August 11 th , the location has not been set yet .
Rulebook : Cindy Ladd There are 3 petitions getting signatures and 1 petition pending .
Safety Committee : Corey Swartout Absent . Nothing to report .
Scholarship : Julie Gintner Waiting for applications to come in . Scholarship applications will be provided at MN Horse Expo .
Old Business :
Lynn has been working on getting sponsorships for the Adaptive Riding classes . Have received a $ 250 gift card from Target for one of the high points . We likely will be able to receive another gift card for another high point award . Reached out to the MN Horse Council to see if they will sponsor any awards . Also , reached out to the charitable arm of Nutri Source . They sponsor a lot of inclusionary work for people with disabilities .
One of our WSCA Judges ( Joy Ratkowski ) runs a therapeutic riding program , so we will be able to get good volunteer training information from her . Lynn spoke to a physician after the General Meeting , and they will help put a medical signoff form together . After all the documentation has been put together , we will have a lawyer review .