June 2024 Newsletter | Page 18

Issue Number 23 | June 2024
Written by Zoe Govan , S1
DYW Update
In Marr we are passionate about DYW ( Developing the Young Workforce ) and start from primary six all the way to S6 ! On Friday 17 th May we had primary 6s from the Marr cluster come and visit our school . They did speed networking , where they got to interact with 16 different businesses , like the Football Fun Factory , GE Aviation , Sainsbury ' s , Smart STEM , Bryson Tractors and Oak Vet Centre . They also got to take part in a modern languages workshop and had the opportunity to learn the link between business and languages .
That is not all ! In the school S3 ' s got the chance to take part in live myWOW workshops where they tried computer hacking . The design engineering construction class got to take part in drawings in construction . They got to fly drones in the PE hall !
There is also an upcoming trip for the S1 ' s and S2 ' s . They will get visit Ayrshire college in June , they will try college life and take part in vocational workshops like cooking , hair and beauty , trades and childcare . Some of our new S6 pupils will be visiting UWS where they will get the chance to experience university life for the Foundation Academy programme gaining credits for university . Some of our S3 pupils got to visit QTS for a workplace visit one student said , ' The key to success is to love what you do and do what you love '.