June 2024 Newsletter | Page 19

Issue Number 23 | June 2024
SolarPunk Island Challenge
In April 2024 , the S2 students at Marr College embarked on an ambitious project known as the Solarpunk Island challenge . This innovative educational experience took them off their regular timetable for seven days , during which they engaged in a hands-on , project-based learning activity .
The challenge was to design and create a sustainable island neighbourhood from scratch , emphasizing harmony with nature and self-sufficiency .
The task included : �
Modern Studies - Investigating how you might build and maintain rules and laws within your society , as well as deciding on consequences when laws and rules are broken . Students will have to come to a decision about leadership and what style of leadership / government you would implement .
� Art & Design - Looking at aspects of modular architecture and sustainability . Working on building smaller parts of a modular shelter , that will be joined to create a larger structure .
Science - Designing a safe way to transport supplies or people safely across the Solarpunk island . Building a rope and sled from recycled materials and testing the strength of the rope / sled .
Music - Creating makeshift instruments and performing and creating music as a tribe using their newly created instruments .
Business Education - Creating a commercial recreational activity to maintain a healthy happy tribe . Branding each neighbourhood by creating a neighbourhood flag , name and set of values .
PE - Creating a “ Solar Punk Island National Sport ” using the resources from the Island .
Computing - Solving clues to discover information which will allow you to build pieces of technology .
RME - looking at moral dilemmas , decision making around protected characteristics and human rights . Making moral decisions for their society . Creating a charter of human rights for their community .
Modern Languages - Crack codes in an ancient language of symbols and a message left by explorers who had previously been stranded on the island . Create secret messages , warnings and advice in their language for other groups to solve .