June 2024 Newsletter | Page 17

Issue Number 23 | June 2024
Written by Nuala Kelly-Towie , S2
P6 Transition Event
On the Friday 17 th May there was special transition event for P6s who are going into P7 after the summer , they came to have a day in Marr to see what it ' s like ! We were delighted to see them .
The visit included many of the primary schools in Troon ( Struthers , Troon , Dundonald , Muirhead , St Patricks and Barassie ). During the day the primary pupils got a speech in the assembly hall before getting to do many fun activities throughout the day .
The activities in the morning included going around business stalls in the north and south plaza and spending time in the modern languages department with Mrs Glimore teaching them how to sing in French , Spanish and German , Mr Norrie teaching them how to have a simple conversation in Spanish and Mrs Mancini playing the mystery box game with them .
They spent half the time in the plaza for the career ’ s stalls and then half the time in Modern Languages . After lunch they were put into small groups and assigned a teacher to create a poster which displayed what they had learned throughout the day . Thank you to all the businesses for coming in , Mrs Archdeacon and all the teachers involved in planning and making this day happen and all the S3s who gave a helping hand . We hope all the P6s had a fun day and now feel more comfortable with moving up .