June 2024 June 2024 | Page 10

Beware of scammers because it can happen to you , too
A10 June 2024 Pamplin Media Group

Solo Sisters

Beware of scammers because it can happen to you , too
It ’ s time , for me to eat some crow ! I have been upset with myself recently , because I almost got scammed , and I know better than to let that
FERGUSON happen .
It all started with an email that came one night from the computer security company , Norton , thanking me for my business and saying they were about to renew my three-year subscription for their Life Lock security protection , at a cost of $ 360 . I checked my records and could find no evidence that I even had Norton on my computer . I also checked the programs on my computer and again couldn ’ t find Norton .
The next morning , out of curiosity and wanting to be sure I was not automatically charged for something I didn ’ t want , I dialed the 800 number they provided . I found myself talking to Peter , who had
a strong Indian accent , and , because of hearing issues , I don ’ t do well dealing on the phone . But he kept talking and I kept listening while sitting at my laptop and eventually giving him remote access to my computer . How stupid was that ! Why didn ’ t I just hang up on Peter ? Why did I let him keep talking ?
He was good , real good . Eventually , the home page for my checking account was on my screen , because I had given him remote access . And on the screen I could see a charge from Norton for $ 360 for the subscription renewal . This made me very nervous , but Peter assured me , that since I had called him to say I wasn ’ t interested in the renewal , he was going to credit me the money . With Peter telling me what to type , and me trying to do as I was told while listening to gardeners with their blowers and big blue Republic trucks rumbling by making it very hard to understand him , I finally made a giant mistake . I had been told to type in the amount $ 150.00 , and I did , but when I looked at my screen , I saw that the period was missing and I had actually entered the amount , $ 15,000 . Peter had a fit . He said we had to clear this up right away . I couldn ’ t fix it on my own because Peter had control of my cursor !
I was a mess ! My blood pressure
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6510 Rosewood St . Lake Oswego | CCB 53975 must have been through the roof . I was exhausted . I said to Peter , “ this sounds like a scam .” He assured me it was not a scam , but I told him “ all scammers say that !” It was 8:30 in the morning , and I had been on the phone with this guy for at least 45 minutes and I had run out of time , patience and stamina . Then I was turned over to “ Alex .” Alex was going to help me get the $ 15,000 out of my account . Ok , now this part is truly embarrassing , because Alex told me to go to my bank , withdraw $ 15,000 in cash , but not tell the bank what it was for . I was then to take it to an ATM nearby … and I finally hung up on him !
My whole body was shaking because I was mad at Peter , mad at Alex and most of all , mad at myself for being so stupid and gullible . I am a very trusting person ! I spent the next few minutes dodging calls from both Peter and Alex until I finally blocked their calls on my phone . I drove to my bank , told them that I was in the middle of a scam and they took over and helped me . The scammers had moved money from my savings account to my checking , but the only way for them to actually get the money was for me to withdraw it and send it to them . I had hung up in time before any real damage was done , but I had done damage to myself , my ego and peace of mind . I was told by the bank to change my username and password on my bank accounts , close those accounts and to go to my IT person and have my computer checked . I did all this immediately , and after seeing my IT buddy , Marcus , the nightmare was behind me . It was only 11 a . m . and I was a wreck .
Beware of scammers , my friends . They are out there and we are their prey . I even received another “ Norton ” email today . ALL of this would have been avoided if I had looked at the email address on the original email . It was from a gmail account , not a Norton account , so I should have ignored it . But instead , I ignored the cacophony of bells and whistles going off in my head and dealt with the scammers . Never again , I hope ! Please be careful , everyone , not just my Solo Sisters friends . I am humbling myself in front of the entire Charbonneau community in order to save you from committing my mistake . Scamming is a problem that is growing exponentially , and as technology grows and changes , it will only get worse .
And if you are a single woman , living in Charbonneau , and would like to know more about Solo Sisters , please contact Deanna Morgan at deannamorgan @ gmail . com , and she will be happy to help you .