JUMP START GUIDE - CICO Weight Loss + Fitness Get Started Today! There's no catch! | Page 25

CICOWLF.com STEP 05 CICO IS YOUR FREEDOM Some people find eating strategies such as keto or zone or paleo or Mediterranean or intermittent fasting or vegetarian or gluten free or high-carb, low-fat work well for them. Some people shift from one to the other as they lose weight. Some don’t adhere to any of these common diet strategies. you may find that breakfast is essential for you but lunch isn’t as important. Or you may discover that eating small meals all day keeps you alert and satisfied. You may learn that you do best with proteins and fats. Or you may notice that a carb heavy meal in the afternoon keeps you from snacking late at night. You may find that you prefer to eat one meal a day. Everyone’s body is different. But CICO applies to everyone. This journey will be one in which you learn what works for you. You’ll simply use CICO to give it structure.