JULY24-WSCASpotlight_REV | Page 6

6 - July - 2024 www . wsca . org WSCA Digital Spotlight

Board Meeting Minutes

Futurity : Josh Tjosaas Absent . Nothing to report .
Historian : Tim Wampfler Absent . Nothing to report .
Judges : Lynn-Ellen St . Martin
Completing the invoice for MN 4H for the Judges Seminar , waiting for about $ 200 . There will be 2 judges that will be taking a merited status in 2024 , Alan Rieke and Robin Fauchald . This means they will not be required a minimum # of shows . Judge Mary Leonhart has retired . 2 applicants have received their recommended list of judges for shadowing . The apprentice judge has began to schedule shows and will be scribing at Champ show this year .
Marketing & Promotions : Rachel Duenow
The May spotlight went out . Rachel continues to work with Herald Journal . Rachel advises everyone to CC her to any email requests sent to Herald Journal . Continuing to push sponsors .
Nominating : Ann Goebel Absent . Nothing to report
Procedures : Sandy Strube
An updated Points Systems procedure was presented for Board Approval . Board members reviewed how points will be tallied from State Fair and Champ show for year end awards . It was requested that the list of eligible classes be reviewed annually at the July WSCA meeting to ensure classes are current .
Motion was made by Julia Northwick , seconded by Julie Ginter , that the Board review the list of Eligible classes and eligibility towards High Point Awards annually at the July Board meeting . Motion carried unanimously .
It was noted that Pennant needed to be added to the listed as a qualifying class for 2024 champ show and Non-stock type English pleasure be added but not as a qualifying class for 2024 .
Motion was made by Steve Bobzin , seconded by Julia Northwick , to add Pennant as a qualifying class for 2024 champ show , and add Non-stock type to the list of eligible classes , but not qualifying for 2024 champ show . Motion carried unanimously .
Motion was made by Julia Northwick , seconded by Rachel Duenow to approve the updated Points System procedure with the edits noted above . Motion carried unanimously .
Publicity : Lori Taylor . Absent
Sara Schwartz , WSCA Princess shared that the Royalty clinic went well . The court attend the MN horse expo and is busy planning for their fundraiser show .
Royalty : Bridget Behrns The Royalty clinic went excellently . Things are on track for Royalty applications .
Rulebook : Cindy Ladd
Cindy is waiting on the petitions to come back to her with signatures . .
Safety Committee : Corey Swartout Absent . Corey is on-board for Champ show 2024 .