JULY24-WSCASpotlight_REV | Page 7

WSCA Digital Spotlight www . wsca . org 2024 - July - 7
Scholarship : Julie Gintner

Board Meeting Minutes

Post marked date to submit applications was today . Julie has received 5 so far and knows of 2 more that should be coming in . Julie asked for input from the board to present the scholarships at the Banquet , instead of Champ show . This would save time during champ show and make it a more memorable ceremony . Board members in attendance agreed that this is a great idea . Julie will work with Sandy to update the procedure . WSCF is adding another $ 500 scholarship . Julie will work with Rachel or Lynn-Ellen and WSCF .
Old Business :
-2024 Banquet Planning- Looking to put down an RSVP date , to give adequate notice to the hall . Looking at a postmark date of October 7 th . Paul has been working with the hall for menu and cost per plate . Paul knows a vendor who may be able to make a stage for the banquet . Julia is looking to plan a zoom call for some time in May .
New Business :
Adjournment :
Motion made by Julia Northwick , seconded by Julie Gintner to adjourn the meeting at 8:01pm . Motion carried unanimously .
Next Board Meeting : June 5 , 2024 Western Saddle Clubs Association , Inc . Board Meeting Minutes , May 1st , 2024 Submitted by Liz Bauer , WSCA Executive Secretary