JULY23-WSCASpotlight | Page 7

WSCA Digital Spotlight www . wsca . org 2023 - July - 7

Meeting Minutes

Judges : Kim Ziegler Absent . MN 4H has sent out a survey to all the Judges who attended the seminar in order to assist with planning the 2024 seminar . A detailed expense report from the seminar has been set to the Board members . Clara Buchal will be the new Judges representative .
Marketing & Promotions : Rachel Duenow The May Spotlight will be slightly delayed . The cash raffle drawing will be held Saturday May 6 th at Arena Trailer Sales . It will be a live drawing via Facebook . Sponsorships are coming in . Rachel contacted all sponsors and vendors from last year to see if they will be participating / contributing to this year ’ s Champ Show .
Nominating : Kevin Berger Will be putting an ad on Facebook , looking for new Board Members . Kevin asks that the current Board Members also look for people to join the Board .
Procedures : Sandy Strube Nothing to report .
Publicity : Lori Taylor : Kalli ( WSCA Queen ) reported that the MN Horse Expo went well . The Court walked around and mingled with people . All the raffle tickets they had were sold .
Royalty : Bridget Behrns Checking with 2 different locations for the Royalty Banquet . The Royalty Banquet will be held Friday , August 11 th . Speaking with saddle club Queens to encourage to enter the contest . Looking into getting a new Princess crown . A past Queen from the 1980 ’ s would like to donate an Equine Emergency Vet Kit to the silent auction .
Rulebook : Cindy Ladd There are 4 petitions getting signatures .
Safety Committee : Corey Swartout Absent . Nothing to report .
Scholarship : Julie Gintner There are 14 Scholarship applications so far .
Old Business :
Lynn spoke with a representative from the MN Horse Council and hoping to get some training materials for the Adaptive classes through their connection with River Valley Riders . Also working with a physician , who is a WSCA member , on the first draft of the medical form .
In pursuit of the Health of WSCA , met and spoke with Little Mountain Wranglers Saddle Club . The next club to meet with is Silver Buckle Saddle Club .
Working with Kelly Kurth to get insurance on the stalls .
New Business :
The WSCA Procedures are now digitally uploaded . Next will be the rulebook . Afterwards will then reach out to the committees to review their files .
WSCA would like to offer ad swaps to other associations . See if other groups are interested in doing an article in the Spotlight to help inform about their association . If we bring other associations in , we will hope that they will help promote WSCA .
We would like to encourage members to look for what saddle clubs do well and bring back ideas to the WSCA Board .
Adjournment :
Motion made by Ann Goebel , seconded by Julie Gintner to adjourn the meeting at 7:49 PM . Motion carried unanimously .
Next Board Meeting : June 7th , 2023 Western Saddle Clubs Association , Inc . Board Meeting Minutes , May 3rd , 2023 Submitted by Leslie Mason , WSCA Executive Secretary