July 2013 Attune Magazine July 2013 | Page 16

enough to receiving its blessing. It may often be termed a “gift” but it certainly is not a curse. We are very spiritual and our core and heart center shares a very strong connection to the ethereal worlds. Let your soul offer you refreshment and valuable insight into your life, and let your spirit guide you and bring you peace. Intuition is a valuable gift that we all have, and by tapping into it, in whatever form it speaks to us, we gain valuable knowledge and deepen our connection to our spiritual senses.

What are the clairs? How do they relate to Intuition?

When discussing our senses, on a biological level, it is known that we have five – sight, taste, smell, touch and sound. Sometimes, however, a sixth sense (known as this by name) is added. This is also known as intuition.

When thinking about intuition we may conjure up images of the local tarot reader or medium who connects to the spirits; quite often the term ‘clairvoyancy’ is thrown around. If someone is able to connect to the diving using this sixth sense, we assume they are ‘in touch’ with their intuition and abilities. But how exactly does it work? What is clairvoyancy and how does it connect to our intuition?

Let’s first look at the word, clairvoyancy. This consists of two components derived from French language: clair (which means clear, light, bright, plain, fair, lucid) and prévoyance (which means foresight, forethought, providence, vision, foresightedness, sight), giving the overall meaning of ‘clear sight’. So how does this ‘clear sight’ relate to our sixth sense?

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, our sixth sense is “a power of perception like but not one of the five senses” or “a keen intuitive power”. What this means, is that our sixth sense is a means of perception that allows us to detect and connect with the universe on some level.