Given our five main senses help us connect to our physical environment, this sixth sense – intuition – helps us connect to our spiritual level, whether that our internal subconscious, an astral plane or some other level depends on personal belief. Since we know that clairvoyance means clear sight, would it not be logical that perhaps we could have clear sound, touch, scent and smell too?
To connect to our intuition, we must understand our senses. Our intuition is a means for us to perceive this spiritual level, and just like we use our physical senses together to make sense of our physical world, we should acknowledge and use all our spiritual senses together to make sense of our spiritual world. And this is where the ‘clairs’ come in.
The ‘clairs’ is a relatively new term used within the spiritual network, as people become more aware of and in touch with how their sixth sense works. As with the term clairvoyant, the other senses have been named with the clear prefix - clair, giving us five components to our sixth sense:
Clairvoyance: Clear sight
Clairaudience: Clear hearing
Clairscent: Clear scent
Clairtangency: Clear touch
Clairgustance: Clear taste
In addition to these five senses, we also have two that we can add to the sixth sense, which embodies a more spiritual level to our understanding of intuition:
Clairsentience – Clear sensations/feelings
Clairempathy - Clear emotions