Joy feelings magazine September 2019 Issue | Page 23
Flip your complaint upside down.
Under every complaint is a hidden desire. What’s yours?
Is it that he would want to spend as much time with you as possible? Is
it that he’d be in a better mood? Is it that you’d meet a man you’re
really interested in?
Complaining is the lazy way to express your desire. Find your desire by
putting it in the positive and writing it down.
So if you’ve done steps 1 and 2, you have written down both a
complaint and a corresponding hidden desire.
Mine would look like this:
Complaint: He doesn’t make enough money.
Desire: He’s a good provider—he’s Mr. Moneybags.
Careful that you don’t put it in the negative, as in, “for him to stop
earning so little money.” That’s just the complaint restated, and that’s
going to have you attracting more of the same—so little money.
You’ll know you’ve arrived at a pure desire when you read what you’ve
written and you feel happy thinking about having exactly that.
Start saying the desire, or the Spouse Fulfilling Prophecy, out loud to
yourself and others.If you’re in a relationship and wanting to have a