Joy feelings magazine January 2019 issue | Page 69

Hair is especially susceptible to breakage when it's wet, but if you absolutely must get some knots out post-shower, make sure to use a brush that will go easy on your strands. "Using a Tangle Teezer or Wet Brush is key," says Davey Partain, stylist at Kennaland salon in Brooklyn. He also notes that the technique is just as important as the tool. "Start gently brushing from the ends and gradually work your way up. And don't just brush the top layer — brush the hair underneath as well." 10. Start using minoxidil. Pick up a can of Women's Rogaine, says April Franzino, Good Housekeeping's beauty director. "The active ingredient, minoxidil, is FDA-approved and proven to help stop hair loss and promote hair regrowth with continued use according to packaging instructions." 11. Stop doing trendy "cleanses." Diet companies may try to convince you that a "cleanse" will turn your whole life around, but Dueñas strongly advises against them. "Doing a cleanse is terrible for your