Joy feelings magazine January 2019 issue | Page 70

hair because you're depriving your body of nutrients," he warns. "After doing a cleanse even for a week, you'll notice slower hair growth and lackluster locks." 12. Sleep on a silk pillowcase. Getting better hair in your sleep is possible — all you need is to switch up your pillowcase. "Silk is easier on hair — it helps avoid tangles and breakage," says Jesleen Ahluwalia, M.D., a physician from Spring Street Dermatology in New York City. The less breakage your hair experiences, the longer your hair will be. (Slip's silk pillowcases come in a variety of pretty colors.) 13. Pay attention to your skin. It's easy to see shiny hair initially and assume a product is working for you, but Dean recommends taking a closer look. "What the formula is doing to your skin is generally what it's doing to your hair," he says. "Does it make your skin feel dry, stripped, heavy, waxy, sticky or greasy? Or does it feel soft, hydrated, silky and supple?" Treat your hair the way you would treat