Joy feelings magazine January 2019 issue | Page 36

know that he's still not willing or ready to talk. Recognize an apology Acknowledge an apology, even if it is subtle. We're people and we don't like to admit when we're wrong about something. When he offers to do something for you, or is intent on cleaning the yard – this is his way of admitting he was wrong, and it's his apology to you. Thank him. Do you really need to hear, "I was wrong"? His actions will demonstrate this. Keep the romance alive This is a critical point. Romance is part of the animal of your relationship and it requires three square meals a day, and snacks. It's imperative that you feed this aspect of your relationship. Love notes are great; Victoria's Secret is fine – whatever you choose to do, keep it romantic. Laugh Laughter is the best medicine for the soul. In the midst of a heated spat, step back and take a good look; isn't this something that you two should be laughing about? Be yourself Finally, if you are afraid to be yourself, you most likely manipulated the relationship to the commitment stage. Go back and re-read the books that got you there