Joy feelings magazine January 2019 issue | Page 35

and enjoy the moments. Yes? Well, actually – no! Nowhere in the world of relationships does it state that once the commitment is made, the work stops. This is when the real work begins. Relationships are the most difficult animal in the world to feed, nurture and maintain. Here are some quick tips on how to keep the commitment in your relationship: Choose your battles Just as dealing with any two-year old, there are some things that just aren't worth the fight. Yes, there will be spats because of our egos. But is it more important to you to make sure he is on time, or is it more important that he respects you? If he calls and says he's going to be late, he respects you. If he is consistently late and keeps you waiting, then there is a problem. Don't force the confrontation When he's ready to talk, he will. If you force it you're asking for a blow- up. Of course you have needs and your need to talk is important. However, no relationship is repaired by screaming, yelling and pointing fingers at each other. "Can we talk now?" is fair enough. If the answer is, "About what?" then you