Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine: Special Issue 50-4bokBW | Page 29
Principles of assessment of rehabilitation services in health systems
3.2. Responsibilities in the government
3.2.1. Which ministries have responsibilities in
disability and rehabilitation?
3.2.2. At what level is disability and rehabilita-
tion localized in the ministry?
3.2.3. How are activities coordinated between
3.2.4. What other governmental or legal organi-
zations have responsibilities in disability
and rehabilitation?
3.2.5. Other relevant information about respon-
sibilities of the government
3.3. Non-governmental stakeholders
3.3.1. What are the relevant non-governmental
stakeholders in rehabilitation and what
are their respective tasks or areas of
3.3.2. Other relevant information on NGOs
Section 4: Information about (health-related)
rehabilitation service capacity
4.1. Health-related rehabilitation services
4.1.1. In-patient rehabilitation services
4.1.2. Access to rehabilitation services
4.1.3. Quality of care
4.1.4. Other information about rehabilitation
4.2. Funding of services
4.2.1. Rehabilitation services payment
4.2.2. Payment (or cost-refund) for assistive
4.2.3. Payment (or cost-refund) for medicines
relevant for rehabilitation (e.g. spasti-
city, pain)
4.2.4. Do research institutions examine reha-
bilitation systems and rehabilitation
outcomes and how projects are funded?
4.2.5. Other relevant information about health
care funding
4.3. Rehabilitation workforce
4.3.1. Physicians
4.3.2. Therapists
4.3.3. Other health and social professions
4.3.4. Other professionals relevant to health-
related rehabilitation
4.4. Technical equipment
4.4.1. Diagnostic tools
4.4.2. Technology for intervention
4.4.3. Other devices
4.5. Assistive devices
Section 5: Additional relevant information
Section 6: Evaluation of information
6.1. Preparedness of country for development
and implementation of disability and
rehabilitation care strategies
6.2. Existence and implementation of country
on disability and rehabilitation care
6.3. Situation of service provision regarding
disability and rehabilitation care stra-
6.4. Situation of human resources regarding
availability of rehabilitation services
6.5. Situation regarding availability of educa-
tional facilities for training of human
resources for disability and rehabilita-
tion within the country
6.6. Situation regarding availability and accessi-
bility of assistive devices in the country
6.7. Situation regarding health information
systems in the country
6.8. Situation regarding the overall situation of
health financing for rehabilitation ser-
vices (not including assistive devices)
6.9. Situation regarding the overall situation of
health financing for assistive devices
Section 7: List of sources
Section 8: Summary of information,
recommendations and proposed projects
The questionnaire includes tick boxes for pre-
formed answers and blank space for descriptive
The WHO’s GDAP sets out clear guidance for
strengthening rehabilitation services at nat ional
levels (4). This includes implementation of reha-
bilitation services, provision of assistive devices,
development of the rehabilitation workforce, and
others (1). The evidence-based Rehabilitation
Guideline on service provision and financing (16)
recommends that rehabilitation services should be
implemented in health systems and be paid for by
for health insurance, the public health system or
other payment system, assuring equity of access.
Both the GDAP and the Rehabilitation Guideline
provide guidance on how to implement rehabilita-
tion services that meet the highest possible level of
quality and availability for persons in need. Thus,
many countries that are willing to improve their
J Rehabil Med 50, 2018