330 C . Gutenbrunner and B . Nugraha
Analysis Tool ( 15 ) as a blueprint . After testing it with the missions in Ukraine ( 5 ) and the Democratic People ’ s Republic of Korea ( 7 ) a revised list of information was extracted and RSAT , below , was developed . The RSAT comprises 8 sections .
• Assessment method information .
• Section 1 . General country information , public health indicators and health system information .
• Section 2 . Information on assessment and epidemiology of disability .
• Section 3 . Information on disability policies and governmental and non-governmental stakeholders .
• Section 4 . Information about ( health-related ) rehabilitation service capacity .
• Section 5 . Additional relevant information .
• Section 6 . Evaluation of information .
• Section 7 . List of sources .
• Section 8 . Summary of information , recommendations and proposed projects .
• Annex : Definations and descriptions . In addition , the questionnaire contains initial information on the assessment method and appendices with definitions and explanations , and guidance on how to use the tool .
During the 3 testing phases the information list and questionnaire were improved continuously . This , in particular , involved the inclusion of a more detailed list of disabling health conditions , a description of prototype rehabilitation services , and enhanced lists of rehabilitation professionals and assistive devices . After the third testing phase the authors considered that it could be used for field testing in other contexts and by other working groups .
In detail , the beta version of the questionnaire contains the items outlined below .
Section 1 : General country information , public health indicators and health system information
1.1 . General country information 1.1.1 . Total population 1.1.2 . Age distribution 1.1.3 . Sex distribution 1.1.4 . Rural – urban distribution 1.1.5 . Education 1.1.6 . Economy 1.1.7 . Transportation infrastructure 1.1.8 . Relevant cultural factors 1.1.9 . Other relevant country information
1.2 . Public health indicators 1.2.1 . General health indicators 1.2.2 . Main causes of death
1.2.3 . Prevalence of diseases and injury 1.2.4 . Risk factors 1.2.5 . Other relevant epidemiological information
1.3 . Health system information 1.3.1 . Healthcare provision 1.3.2 . ( main ) funding of health services 1.3.3 . Health insurance ( or other funding system ) 1.3.4 . Hospitals ( in-patient services ) 1.3.5 . Out-patient services 1.3.6 . Health workforce 1.3.7 . Other relevant health system information
Section 2 : Information on assessment and epidemiology of disability
2.1 . Disability data 2.1.1 . How is disability defined in laws and regulations ?
2.1.2 . Is the WHO International Classification of Functioning , Disability and Health ( ICF ) used as a framework for disability and rehabilitation policies ?
2.1.3 . Are there national surveys on the prevalence of disability ?
2.1.4 . Is there a plan for national surveys on the prevalence of disability ?
2.1.5 . Other relevant disability data
2.2 . Epidemiology of disability 2.2.1 . Overall estimation of disability 2.2.2 . What is the prevalence of the most relevant disabling health conditions ? 2.2.3 . Most frequent impairments , activity limitations and participation restrictions
2.2.4 . Do research institutions examine disability data collection ? And how projects are funded
2.2.5 . Other relevant disability data
Section 3 : Information on disability policies and governmental and non-governmental stakeholders
3.1 . Disability policy 3.1.1 . Did the country sign the UN-CRPD ? 3.1.2 . Did the country ratify the UN-CRPD ? 3.1.3 . Does the country have a law on disability and rehabilitation ? 3.1.4 . Are there other binding rules on disability and rehabilitation ? 3.1.5 . Is there a classification and / or categorization of disability ? 3.1.6 . Is there a national disability , health and rehabilitation plan ? 3.1.7 . Other relevant information about disability policies www . medicaljournals . se / jrm