Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine: Special Issue 50-4bokBW | Page 30
C. Gutenbrunner and B. Nugraha
national rehabilitation services seek guidance and
advice. The WHO provides such advice to national
governments on request, in collaboration with
NGOs in official relation with the WHO Disability
and Rehabilitation Team (1). These missions must
be based on sound information about relevant
factors, as well as a systematic approach in order
to identify gaps and to recommend activities re-
garding how to close the gaps (1).
In performing such missions, the problem occurs
as to how to collect all relevant data on a sound
basis. This, on the one hand, must be done on the
basis searching available sources of information
(reports, statistics, publications and others). More
detailed information can be collected through coun-
try visits and stakeholder interviews. However, it
is important to check systematically whether all
relevant information is available and what remains
to be investigated. Secondly, it is helpful if the
information is available prior to the country visit.
As no such checklists have been available,
the authors designed a preliminary checklist of
relevant information based on the 6 health sys-
tem building blocks (12). This preliminary RSAT
checklist was tested in 2 rehabilitation service
implementation advisory missions (5, 6) and was
shown to be feasible and helpful for the develop-
ment of NDHRPs. However, in using the checklist,
some points that would improve the quality of the
list were identified.
As a second step, a questionnaire was deve-
loped, using the Ear and Hearing Care Situation
Analysis Tool (15) as a blueprint. This ques-
tionnaire (RSAT) should enable the collection of
information from governments or experts from the
county of the national WHO offices. It was tested
in a mission (in the Democratic People’s Republic
of Korea (7)) and was shown to be useful. Further
testing and evaluation of outcomes is needed.
This paper used a pragmatic approach to develo-
ping checklists and questionnaires for collecting
all relevant information to develop NDHRPs.
Testing of these instruments in different missions
has shown that the principles work well, and that
the tools are feasible and helpful. However, further
testing is important and the development of an
internationally agreed tool should be promoted. It
is hoped that the work presented here will be useful
as the basis for future developments.
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