becomes more aware of the feelings and
concerns of the community from the stu-
dents’ interaction and input.
Graduates of the class are invited to
join the Joshua Citizens Police Academy
Alumni Association. The purpose of the
association is to support the police de-
partment with volunteers during special
events, fundraising for special purchases
and to assist with public awareness about
the functions of the department.
For more information, visit the
JCPAAA Facebook page.
JISD Education Foundation
The Joshua ISD Education Foundation
is a nonprofit corporation governed by a
board of directors who are dedicated to
education and share a vision for excel-
lence in their schools. It was created in
2008 by a cross-section of community
volunteers to support and enhance the
education of all students in Joshua ISD.
The foundation solicits, manages and
distributes funds for enrichment pur-
poses in academic program areas not oth-
erwise funded by the district. Contribu-
JISD Education Foundation
Joshua Young Life
tions are received from both individuals
and corporations to support projects, ac-
tivities and create an endowment fund.
Student enrichment opportunity
grants can be funded up to $2,000 to pro-
vide funds that reward excellence in
scholarship and character to qualified
students for academic programs that ex-
tend beyond the classroom and that sup-
plement and align with the district’s im-
provement plan.
Technology initiatives can be funded
up to $15,000 to a district, $10,000 to a
campus and $5,000 to a team of teachers
to enable district educators to integrate
cutting-edge technology that supple-
ments and aligns with the district’s im-
provement plan into their curricula.
Instructional enhancement grants can
be funded up to $15,000 to a district,
$10,000 to a campus and $5,000 to a team
of teachers to district educators for fund-
ing resources and materials for experien-
tial learning opportunities that supple-
ment and align with the district’s im-
provement plan.
319 N. Broadway, Joshua
828 N. Main, Cleburne
1666 W. Henderson, Cleburne
1611 NE Big Bend Tr., Glen Rose
Proudly Serving the Community Since 1999.
18 Joshua Community Guide