Serve Joshua
a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thurs-
day. For more information, call 817-202-
8408 or visit
Serve Joshua
At First United Methodist Church of
Joshua, they partner with many local
partners to ensure residents receive
what they need
Joshua Serve, which used to be
called #LoveThe558 representing
the telephone number in Joshua,
is an annual event where church
members and other residents go
out into the community to serve
their neighbors. In its fourth year,
FUMC Discipleship and Outreach
Director Nicole Hutchison said they
host this event to serve those who
need an extra hand by doing yard work,
picking up trash and other chores.
“We just want to serve where we live,”
Hutchison said. “We literally want to
serve Joshua.”
The church also has the Helping
Hands Food Pantry, which is open from
Joshua Community Guide 17
10 a.m. to noon and 2-4 p.m. Monday and
Thursday at 114 Paula St.
The church’s mission statement is to
love God, grow in grace and serve others,
she said.
The Joshua Citizen Police Academy is
a 30-hour — 10 three-hour classes —
block of instruction designed to give the
public a working knowledge of the
Joshua Police Department’s personnel
and policies. It was created to provide
enough information to the citizens that
attend so that they may make informed
judgments about the Joshua Police De-
partment and police activity.
The instruction will increase police
awareness whereas to dispel suspicions
and misconceptions and to increase po-
lice/community rapport through this ed-
ucative process. The department, in turn,