Caddo Grove
Masonic Lodge
For information, visit the JISD Educa-
tion Facebook page or joshuaeducation-
Joshua Young Life
Young Life began with ideas about
sharing the truth of God’s love with ado-
lescents in middle and high school and
college. The 5 C’s of Young Life are Con-
tact Work, Club, Camp, Campaigners and
In the spring of 2011, a small group of
residents with a vision to reach children
met together to pray
and discuss a vi-
sion for Young Life
at Joshua High
School. One year
later after much
prayer and plan-
ning, they held
their first club for
JHS students.
Their vision is to
serve as a lifeline for stu-
dents by reaching them
where they are in their lives.
They have students from
several area public high schools, private
schools and homeschools that join to-
gether at 7:02 p.m. Mondays at 102 N.
Main St. in downtown Joshua.
For information, visit the Young Life
Facebook page or
Caddo Grove Masonic Lodge
The Caddo Grove Masonic Lodge No.
352 is a non profit organization in Joshua
made up of a fraternity of brothers who
conduct charitable events and raise
money for local residents.
The charter for the local chapter was
given to the group in 1872 across the
street from where Caddo Grove Elemen-
tary School is currently located before the
city of Joshua was created. They moved
to the current facility, 200 N. Main St., in
the late 1800s, which is the original build-
ing and was later expanded in the 1930s.
“Our sole purpose is to be charitable
to the community,” Lodge Secretary
Aaron Jacobs said.
The lodge supports Caddo Grove Ele-
mentary School with supportive reading
programs, hosts an annual anti-drugs
and anti-bullying bike show and also
gives a student a bicycle of their choice
every year. They give the students a
Christmas party and send food and other
goodies to a family. They also provide
scholarships to Joshua High School stu-
dents every year.
For more information, email the lodge
at [email protected] or
visit or the Caddo
Grove Lodge No. 352 Facebook page.
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Joshua Community Guide 19