Johnson Creek High/Middle School Newsletter February 2014 | Page 2
Blue Jay Update
Curriculum Update
Middle School Math
Who do I ask for help?
• Ms. Budig: Attendance,
discipline, money, and school
• Ms. Frank: Guidance,
transcripts, scholarships, and
College/Technical School
Reminder to check our website
daily—the Daily Bulletin is published there as well as other scheduling and program information.
Follow on Twitter!
Follow: @Vogel_Bluejay.
You can get texts directly to your
cell phone without a Twitter account by texting
“follow Vogel_Bluejay” to 40404.
Mr.Vogel will send out “tweets”
about school closings, special announcements, etc.
Regular texting charges apply.
Prior to 2013-2014 school year students in middle school had 45 minutes a
day of mathematics, one math teacher and minimal access to computers. When
the students walked into this school year they realized they were going to have
a team of three mathematics teachers, 90 minutes of math per day and ALEKS
account. Many of these changes were result of the districts two year math partnership grant they were reward in 2011.
What have these changes proved? ALEKs account is a personalized math
program to provide instruction/practice for students at their math readiness
level. By having this new team of teachers can dig deeper into math concepts
and provide math that applies the basic grade level skills in more challenging
ways. Having 90 minutes of math each day gives students the ability to become mathematicians instead of students going to math class. By increasing
number of teachers in mathematics students are able to have a team of teachers
and peers that provide challenge and support daily to take them to the next
level of understanding in their learning path.
WINTER MAP DATA IS IN! The Johnson Creek District administers the
NWEA (Northwest Evaluation Association) MAP (Measurement of Academic Progress) three times a year since 2010. This assessment is a nationally
normed assessment that has given teachers instructional insight on what skills
students have mastered and what skills students are ready to learn. A review
of our current 6th-8th graders data of their MAP growth from Fall 2013-Winter 2014 showed their averaged growth was 6.1 points with a total growth 824
points. Then this averaged growth and total growth was compared to the same
group of students growth in the Fall 2012-Winter 2013 (prior to above changes) showed their averaged growth was 3 points with a total growth 511 points.
This change in growth as well as averaged and total growth is amazing data in
the MAP data “world”!
Please watch for your student to be bringing home their personal MAP results
and goals at by the end of February. Also ask your child to show you and encourage them to work on their ALEKs account that reflect their skills they are
ready to learn and review in math!
Lisa Krohn
Director of Teaching and Learning