John Carroll University 2017 Sorority Recruitment Booklet 2017 Sorority Recruitment Guide_JCU Panhellenic Co | Page 5

greek TERMINOLOGY ACTIVE A formally ini*ated member of a fraternity or sorority. BID A formal invita*on to join a fraternity or sorority. BIG A member of the sorority who is paired with a new member to be a mentor and guide her through the new member period. CHAPTER The local organiza*on of undergraduate students on campus recognized by the University and the inter/na*onal organiza*on. INITIATION A formal ceremony in which a new member becomes an ac*ve and life*me member. INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL (IFC) The governing body for the four fraterni*es at JCU. LEGACY An immediate family member of an ini*ated member, generally sister, daughter or granddaughter. 4 NEW MEMBER A member of a women’s fraternity who has accepted a bid and is learning the history, tradi*ons and goals of the organiza*on and has not yet been ini*ated. NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE (NPC): Na*onal Panhellenic Conference: the governing body of the 26 inter/na*onal sorori*es. POTENTIAL NEW MEMBER (PNM) A collegiate woman looking to join a sorority. THAT’S YOU! PANHELLENIC COUNCIL (PANHEL) The the governing body of the 5 sorori*es at JCU. PHILANTHROPY A specific organiza*on or cause to which members raise money for volunteer service. RECRUITMENT COUNSELOR (Pi Chi) A neutral representa*ve of Panhellenic at JCU who serves as an unbiased party to guide you through the recruitment process.