John Carroll University 2017 Sorority Recruitment Booklet 2017 Sorority Recruitment Guide_JCU Panhellenic Co | Page 6

NATIONAL Panhellenic CONFERENCE WHAT IS NPC? Na*onal Panhellenic Conference is an umbrella organiza*on of 26 na*onal and interna*onal sorori*es or women’s fraterni*es. PANHELLENIC CREED We, as Undergraduate Members of women’s fraterni*es, stand for good scholarship, for guarding of good health, for maintenance of fine standards, for serving, to the best of our ability, our college community. Coopera*on for furthering fraternity life, in harmony with its best possibili*es, is the ideal that shall guide our fraternity ac*vi*es. We, as Fraternity Women, stand for service through the development of character inspired by the close contact and deep friendship of individual fraternity and Panhellenic life. The opportunity for wide and wise human service, through mutual respect and helpfulness, is the tenet by which we strive to live. CREST The shield is a protec*ve influence for our en*re membership. A lamp denotes leadership, scholarship and enlightenment. The laurel wreath signifies victory, or achievement of ideals. While the sword piercing the wreath indicates willingness to fight for ideals, it symbolizes, too, penalty of obliga*on, also bravery, achievement and discipline. The mantling surrounding the shield is the protec*ng cloak that educa*on gives us and is the protec*ve influence of organiza*on. Thus there in the mantle is inscribed the name of the Na*onal Panhellenic Conference. 5