Mostly single subject learning due to
space and scheduling constraints.
Inter-disciplinary and off-beat
subjects easy to teach and learn,
thanks to lack of space and fewer
scheduling constraints.
Automated evaluation conducted
through online tests. Results are
quick, accurate, and completely
transparent. Generate feedback
through online polls and
immediate results so that further
class learning is steered
Classes are recorded, including
audio, video and even screen.
Students can review the
instructor’s exact explanation and
methods, and administrators can
review both the instructor’s and
students’ performance.
Common distractions include
internet problems, and students
indulging in other online activities.
Evaluation involves taking tests, and
handing in manually-graded
assignments. Time-consuming
and results are slow.
Class is held, and if you forget to note
something down or can’t attend,
you’ve missed it.
Common distractions
Common distractions include breaks,
student interruptions, and
administrative details.