more freedom to create,
experiment, explore and steer the
class. This freedom can produce
improved student performance.
Traditional teaching tools are used,
such as lecture notes, charts,
blackboard writing, showing physical
models, laboratory experiments, etc
Learning environment can be dull and
fun in class is kept to a minimum to
avoid disciplinary issues.*
Modern teaching tools are used,
such as multimedia, animation, 3D
modeling, virtual, etc.
Learning environment can be
stimulating and fun. Moderation
tools allow the teacher to easily
control the class, just in case
things get out of hand!
Learning environment is greatly subjective to teacher. However, the point here
stresses on the tools available to teachers enhance the environment.
Collaboration in learning
Teacher and students collaborate in
the physical classroom.
It’s hard to address the needs of
different levels of learners in a single
class. If there aren’t additional
resources available for groups such as
slower or gifted students, they often
have to make do with a one-size-fitsall average class.
Usually one teacher per class.
Difficult to bring in guest speakers
due to physical and