JOB E LEARN Vol -1 issue -1 | Page 13

Let us try to compare the Virtual class with that of the traditional one. Gitanjali Banergee (JNU) has written these differences on the WIZIQ blog which clearly tells us the virtual cloassroom modalities. Traditional classroom Virtual Classroom Class timing  Schedule is fixed and pre-decided. Students and teachers have little say in this decision.  Schedule can be flexible, according to the needs of both teacher and students.  Class duration is fixed and usually not extendable, as the next class waits to use the classroom.  Class duration is easily extendable, instructor and student time permitting.  While extra classes can be scheduled, they’re often impractical and usually result in low attendance  Schedule extra classes at your convenient time and study from the luxury of home.  Students can be a heterogeneous group, even global, with a variety of non-intersecting (and perhaps conflicting) social circles and customs.  Student composition may vary greatly in age, profession, and academic background.  Classes can be technology-driven and learner-centric, with the teacher as a facilitator. Teachers have better teaching tools to effectively engage learners. Virtual classrooms allow students Learner groups  Students can be a homogenous group, sharing overlapping social circles and customs.  Students typically fall within a similar age, profession, or academic background. Teaching methodology  Classes are typically teacher–driven and teacher-centric.