JOB E LEARN Vol -1 issue -1 | Page 16

Cost  Setting up classroom infrastructure is expensive.  Buses, cars, and other travel methods have to be engaged to get students to and from school.  A computer, a basic Internet connection, a headphone, and a web camera (optional) are less expensive.  No travel costs. Teach and learn from anywhere.  Professionals can take classes from home, anytime (even late nights or early mornings). Technology Based Training (TBT) yields a time savings of 3545% over traditional classroom instruction.  Difficult for professionals to attend courses for professional development, due to work and other commitments making it impossible to find something that fits their schedule and location.  Classrooms need water, electricity, etc.  Virtual Classroom is green teaching, saves paper, and any other such costs.  Overhead results in high fees for a course in a physical school.  Classes conducted in virtual classrooms are comparatively cheaper, as much as 80%. To conclude I would say that each methodology has its pros and cons. Delivering the best programs to our students might entail a smart combination of both traditional and online instruction. Blended learning is the way to go. Virtual Classroom Activities To learn virtual classroom activities let’s have an example with Moodle-WizIQ virtualclass Room example A Virtual Class Room is a server software making a teacher teaching online. So teacher and student needs to get register first with any such server. Then by logging on to the server they get the virtual class to deliver and attend.