JFK April 2021 Update | Page 4

this learning opportunity . If you would like to learn more , please visit Wilderness Classroom ’ s site HERE . A special thank you to our JFK PTO for supporting this opportunity for our students . Thank you , Mrs . Estees , for planning and coordinating this program .

As we return …

Many items pertaining to our four day a week return were mentioned in our April 1 Newsletter , but there are a few reminders that we wish to reiterate :
• Symptomatic Children o If your child show any signs of C19-related symptoms , nurses ’ office .
• Water supply o As a C19 precautionary measure , our water fountains and fill-stations are currently turned off . We encourage you to send your child to school with a personal water supply . If not , we will continue to sell water in the cafeteria and have it available in the nurses ’ office .
• Masks o Masks must cover both the nose and mouth . While our lunch period is the exception , masks must be properly worn while in the school building and if riding the bus .
• Cohort o Students will continue to remain with their cohort throughout the school day . With students remaining in an assigned room , educators will continue to transition from classroom to classroom . There are a few minor exceptions where students are transitioned for specific content-area instruction ( ex ., Physical Education ).
• Vaccinations o Most , if not all , of the JFK faculty and staff have been fully vaccinated .
• Parent / Guardian Traffic Loop o Due to the increase in student numbers , our traffic loop will likely become congested . Please remain alert and utilize caution when on school property during pick-up and dropoff . o For drop-off , student supervision is not provided until 7:30 am .
bus lanes ).
• Absenteeism o We will continue with our current attendance practices . Students are expected to be on time and prepared for each of their classes . Educators will take attendance during the first few minutes of class , if your child misses this roll call , they will be marked absent for the class period . If they are tardy to the classroom and missed attendance , we request that they or a parent / guardian email their house administrative assistant to communicate the tardiness . We will then confirm that the student was signed-into Microsoft teams during the specific class period where the tardiness occurred .