JFK April 2021 Update | Page 5

Contact Information :
• Red : mflynn @ enfieldschools . org
• White : cwhite @ enfieldschools . org
• Blue : dhavourd @ enfieldschools . org
• Phone ( 860 ) 763-8855 . o Remote students who do not actively engage with their educators or classmates during any given class period , will be marked absent for that specific period . Our remote learning expectations can be reviewed in our October 2020 Newsletter . o If students who physically attend JFK experience any symptoms related to C19 , we request that parents / guardians keep the child home until their symptoms have cleared . During this time , if able , your child is welcomed to attend classes remotely . We kindly request that this be exercised in good faith and not abused for reasons unrelated to the virus .
Student Handbook . Please take a moment to review these with your child .
• iPads o
We ask that you remind your child that the iPad they received this year belongs to the Enfield Public Schools and was issued for academic use . The device is meant to be a vehicle for learning . In order to access EPS-curricular tools on the device , the login ( Apple ID ) must be the students schoolissued email address initiated by the registration process . Periodically , the iPad is remotely populated and updated by the Enfield Public Schools . If the students Apple ID is not their EPS-issued email address and settings are altered outside of our stated parameters , it will inevitably impact the intended utility of the device . EPS iPad proper registration is outlined HERE . In preparation for in-person learning , students are expected to arrive daily to school with their iPad fully charged . We are not equipped with large capacity charging stations in each classroom .
• Lockers o Lockers have not been provided for students this year . All items can be housed in their home classroom .
HERE . Track contact , Mr . Brian Zawodniak Baseball contact , Mr . Joe Leslie Softball contact , Mrs . Elana Beebe School Nurse Family ID