Jew Perfect Jew Perfect Rosh Hashanah - Issue 3 | Page 18

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18 | Jew Perfect

In this week's parsha Hashem created the world. Hashem created the world in six days here is what happened on each day:

Day 1: On the first day Hashem created day and night.

Day 2: On the second day Hashem separated the sky from the earth

Day 3: On the third day Hashem separated the land from the water and created the trees, grass and plants.

Day 4: On the fourth day Hashem Created the sun, moon and stars

Day 5: Hashem created the fish and birds.

Day 6: Hashem created animals and the very first human being, Adam Harishon.

Day 7: It was on this day that Hashem rested, and that's why this day is called shabbos. (Translation: Stop.)

Adam and Chava marry and go to live in Gan Eden. They have very beautiful fruit trees from which to eat, Adam and Chava where aloud to eat from every single tree, except for one, the Eitz Hadaas.

But an evil snake, (In those days snakes were able to talk and had hands and feet. After this incident Hashem punished the snake by taking away its hands, feet and ability to talk.) Convinces them to eat a fruit from it and Hashem punishes them by kicking them out of Gan Eden. From then on we had to work for a living and do not have it easy just like before. Thanks Adam.

Good Shabbos

By Yisroel Stiefel

Parshat Bereshit