Jan17 1 | Page 9

www . newellstrength . com www . unlockingyourinnerstrength . com I am going to guide you here in a way that you have probably never set a goal before and I will make it crystal clear on how to develop the system to achieve your goals . All you will have to do is plug and play with the personal example I will share with you .
First , let ’ s get clear on what categories of goals you are going to have . You will have 3 categories titled passional , personal and professional .
No , I am not giving you an option , I am point blank telling you , flat out ! Otherwise your brain will meander and justify some weak ass goals just like it has done to you in the past .
And yes , I know passional isn ’ t a word . But it fits .
By breaking your goals into three categories such as above , you will be sure to be moving the chains in multiple areas of your life which , when all is said and done in year , will ensure that you are a better person .
For passional , think of 2 things that you are passionate about that you either want to get back to doing or you want to start . Last year , my two passional ones were to play in a competitive sports league again ( done ) and to start my ULYIS podcast ( done ).
For your personal ones , think of things that are relationship based , whether it be with yourself or a friend or a family member . Last year , one of mine was to be home 2 week nights per week with Devon and Braxton , which I did .
Lastly , I want you to think of 2 professional ones . This could be advancement if you have a job , it could be a certain percentage growth if you own a business or it could be to launch a new program or start that side hustle you keep thinking about but for some reason , haven ’ t pulled the trigger on .
Ok , while I am not yet done developing mine , I do know one of my personal ones is to read 60 books in 2017 .
If I were like most people , that ’ d be that . I wouldn ’ t take the goal any further and I would just hope that somehow I reached the number 60 . Well , I got news for you , hope doesn ’ t do diddly .
So how I am going to break it down and work a system until I achieve it ? Here ’ s how …
I am going to listen to one book per month at least , on audible . I often listen to these on my drives or walks and I listen to them on high speed , at least 2x the normal speed of an audio book . And , I listen to it multiple times throughout the year . You cannot , I repeat , cannot get everything out a book in one reading .
Yes , I know technically this isn ’ t reading but its accomplishing my main task of learning and being inspired .
That will leave me with 48 books remaining in 52 weeks . That ’ s roughly one book every 8 days .