Jan17 1 | Page 8

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The next time you face a hater , you have to reframe it . Haters are not a bad thing , rather they are a sign that you are doing something right .
If you live to avoid haters and to please the haters , then there is absolutely no way that your message will get through to the world .
Many times , haters are social justice warriors that want everything to be fair and whom can ’ t quite figure out why they have the lot they have in life and why someone else ’ s lot appears to be better .
Being a hater is a very shallow way to live and proves that they are on a lower level of consciousness than the very person they are hating on that is inspiring the world and making moves .
I ’ ll leave you with this . The higher the emotional energy you operate from , the less the lower level emotions can affect you . If you operate at a level of courage and inner peace , then anger and vitriol won ’ t be allowed into your sphere .
Keep moving up . Go high when the haters go low . Peace .
How This Year Can BE Great for You
After I finished up a transformation coaching session this morning , I made my way over to Kohl ’ s to pick up some ‘ grab-bag ’ gifts for Christmas Eve that Devon asked me to pick up .
Normally , heading into any big department store like a Kohl ’ s is enough to ‘ put me over the edge ’. And to make it worse , heading into a store like this around the holidays is enough to leave me incapacitated for hours ( ok , I ’ m exaggerating a bit ).
But I had you on my mind , so it wasn ’ t a big deal at all . I was focused on this article for you and me .
It ’ s the time of year when you should be setting up some lofty goals that will be fed by the systems you create , that you can do every day .
Before we move on , my trip to Kohl ’ s was a success and I was kind of in a hypnotic state like one would be when driving to a familiar destination and you arrive but you can ’ t recall anything abou the drive .
Thanks for the distraction !