Jan17 1 | Page 7

www . newellstrength . com www . unlockingyourinnerstrength . com A rebel of sorts if you will but a compassionate and kind hearted rebel .
And if you are a 1 % er in life , you are going to acquire haters . A hater is one that hates because they are envious of what YOU have created .
I will break haters down with a little mind map lesson in a min ., but I want you to know that you should welcome haters into your life . If you have haters , it means you are doing something in life .
And you are doing enough to stir up an emotion in another human being . If you are bland vanilla , you will not have any haters and nor will you inspire anyone . You ’ ve probably been taught your whole life to play it safe and to not ruffle any feathers .
Well , where and whom came up with that advice ? I don ’ t know which exact person came up with that silly sentiment , but I know why they did .
You see , the human brain is hard-wired for survival . And a HUGE nemesis of survival is judgment .
Travel back in time thousands , even millions of years ago and you will see that people roamed in packs or tribes .
If we judged you , we moved you to the outside of the tribe . If we really judged you , we would have actually kicked you out of the tribe . And what happens when you are kicked out of the tribe ?
Your chance for survival goes way down because now , you are all alone to fend for yourself and the predators would be out to get you .
Now does it make sense why your brain is so sensitive to judgment ? That is also the very reason that people are so petrified of public speaking .
Now why would the advice giver tell someone not to ruffle any feathers ? Because , if you ruffled feathers , you were likely to be judged . Life is much harder as a loner .
People want you to fall in line in life . When you fall in line , you will live a bland , boring life . I am not talking about anarchy ; I am talking about living your true life .
The life that is in alignment with the music that is playing in your heart and soul . Haters gonna hate no matter what .
The reason is because of envy . They want what you have in some weird way . So they judge you and worse yet , they gossip about their judgment of you .
The brain will focus on in others the qualities that the other person has that remind us most of ourselves or those qualities that we wish we had but are lacking in .