Jan17 1 | Page 6

www . newellstrength . com www . unlockingyourinnerstrength . com
And as each passing day and week went by , I noticed that I was starting to feel a little better . My symptoms were disappearing ( don ’ t worry , I am planning a cool ass workshop for this spring to talk about my disease , how I cured it and how you can do the same with any physical issue you are having ).
It was like a pitch fork had been stuck into my chest and struck by lightning just like Jason Voorhees in Friday the 13 th part 5 .
My mind was on fire . My belief in SELF came back with a vengeance and my 2-year battle became a thing of the past .
I needed that period of my life to find my mission . I was on my path , then I fell off , then I found it again . My mission was to master the human spirit and mind and to teach others how to do the same thing .
My starting vehicle was Newell Strength . Not more than 2 months after competing in 2 bodybuilding shows , I formed the LLC known as Champion ’ s Choice Personal Training which you now know as Newell Strength . I didn ’ t know how I was gonna make it a success , but I did know that I would succeed .
You see , a man with a mission can overcome any obstacle . Obstacles are just there to make sure you want your mission bad enough and to teach you how to become a better carrier of your mission .
Listen , if you have been put into the sleeper hold of life , it ’ s time to wake the hell up . Your wife may be nagging you , your kids may trample on you and your boss may think you are a schlep . Nonetheless , it ’ s time to rise up from the ashes .
And as you find your mission , people will take notice . People will begin to respect you . They will sense that you got your balls back .
A man with a mission is not to be messed with . A mission needs a man just as a man needs a mission .
You will have one underlying theme to your mission but your vehicle can be one of many . Don ’ t try and think of the specific thing you must do , rather let the message that keeps poking at you find its way into your heart .
Become a man on a mish .
Judgmental Haters It ’ s been quite some time since I wrote about haters .
When I started Newell Strength , I used to write about being a 1 % er , which meant living life like no one else around you .