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www . newellstrength . com www . unlockingyourinnerstrength . com Women don ’ t want feminine men any more than a man wants a masculine woman .
Before I concocted the idea of Newell Strength , I was like a lost little sheep . And then , the year 2007 hit me and it his me hard . Not in a bad way , as in a wakeup call type of way .
I was always extremely driven to the point of obsession , but then I lost my path when I did my internship out of college . I was a little turned off by passion . And make no mistake , JB is a great friend to me now ( and one of my mentor ’ s ), but I was thrown to the wolves with my first collegiate football strength and conditioning gig .
I wasn ’ t suited to be a minion . Not in that role , or any role . I was designed by my creator to CREATE . I am an idea guy . Which means I need autonomy and room to create my wacky ideas .
But all of my ideas stem from one mission : to inspire people to transform their lives . And how was I going to do that ?
Through my words and actions . Thus , my love of writing began . Wait a second , let ’ s back track a bit … Right before 2007 , I was struck by a mysterious GI tract ‘ disease ’ which I had for 2 + years .
I slowly slid into the grips of depression . I lost 30 pounds of muscle . I became even more of a hermit than I am now , if you can believe that .
Things got so bad for me that I lost only looked forward to lying in bed after my days of teaching . The pain that I was in some of the times was unbearable and the obsessive thought over my issue was even worse .
I remember my mom telling me that she used to cry to my brothers at that point in my life because of how worried about me she was . It was the closest I have ever come to giving up in life .
Pause : As I am literally writing this , I can feel the electric emotion building up inside of me . That ’ s how you know you ’ ve found your mission !
But even though I was down , I wasn ’ t out . I still had my competitively stubborn spirit . I knew the quiet warrior still had one last hoorah in him , in me , so towards the end of 2006 , I decided that I would compete in bodybuilding one more time .
It was the first time in 2 years that I felt any type of enthusiasm towards life . I still had my ‘ disease ’ but at least I had something else to look forward to as well .
Then , a funny thing started to happen . I began to read ; as in reading to better my mind . So , my days consisted of teaching phys . Ed ., training for my bodybuilding shows and reading all night .